Your mid-lifestyle guide to keeping your mind sharp, your body strong & your sex hot!
Welcome to the prime of your life
I’m Jacquie, your mid-lifestyle guide. I had my kiddo late in life. Throw in some hormones, lack of sleep, a freelance career and perimenopause and I was a basic train wreck. Here’s the kicker though – I didn’t realize I didn't have to be a train wreck. There was no information to help me. My doctor put me on an anti-depressant when what I really needed was sleep! My hot flashes were next level and don’t even get me started on the rage, tears, shame and confusion I felt.
No one could help me, and the worst part was that I was afraid to ask for help or tell anyone what was happening to me! I was worried I would be dismissed or shamed, and at the time, I wasn’t wrong. No one could tell me that what I was going through was a normal phase of a woman's life and that it didn’t have to feel so terrible. I didn’t have to hide it, paste on a smile and pretend life was great! As perimenopause carried on (without me knowing), I ran into health issues that could have easily been remedied with the right information, education and support.
Instead, I was told ‘you’re at that age’ and ‘it is what it is’. Well, I call B.S on
all of that. I started to dig and do my own research and that’s when I learned that like most women, I’d been sold an outdated and inaccurate narrative.
I’m here to tell you that there is a bright side, there is hope, and yes, there are answers, solutions and support. Please take my advice and don’t allow anyone to shut you down, silence or shame you. What you’re going through is real and guess what?
It doesn’t have to suck!
We’re just hitting our midlife stride, and we are literally in the PRIME of our lives. Hunker down, grab a coffee and tour around the site. You'll find experts, thought leaders and information. They have provided education, resources, tips and stories to help guide you through your midlife health & wellness journey.
Consider me your tour guide through your prime. I provide answers, ideas, insights, research and more. I’m not the expert but I do have a way of getting all the answers and those answers will help you to thrive on this next leg of the journey.
Disclaimer: She2.0 does not provide medical advice. We offer resources and expert advice to help you make informed decisions. Always consult your physician for personalized medical advice and before taking any medications, supplements, or herbs.
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