We're are here to help you with any questions regarding perimenopause and menopause. If you have more questions, feel free to join our facebook group and we'll be happy to chat with you!
Q: What is this thing called menopause?
A: Menopause is the day you crack open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate you’re very last period – ever! That means you’ve gone an entire calendar year without a period and graduated from perimenopause. This can happen anywhere between 41 and 55 (give or take). It is literally one day. So, what’s all the fuss? Read on.
Q: When does menopause start?
A: That’s not an easy question. Are you trying to stump us? Experts we’ve talked to say that on average, 51 seems to be the age however there is no one-size-fits-all. Some women will go into it earlier and some will start later.
Q: What is surgical menopause?
A: This is the immediate onset of menopause following many cancer treatments or surgical removal of the ovaries. It is sudden and shocking to many patients. More information is needed for women who are going through treatment.
Q: Then what the heck is perimenopause?
A: Perimenopause is the confusing and frustrating time when your body is transitioning into menopause. Your reproductive hormones (mainly estrogen) have become unbalanced. It’s a whole ‘thing’. Your periods will do everything to outsmart you up so make sure to always have a change of clothes handy. You might also notice yourself feeling volcanic on the inside. Look around the room. Are younger women peeling off their sweaters and looking around uncomfortably? If not, it could be a hot flash. One of many potential signs of perimenopause. Your declining estrogen is to thank for hot flashes amongst other potential symptoms. This can last a few years so buckle up and buy a fan.
Q: When does perimenopause start?
A: The games begin at different times for everyone. On average, peri starts in our 30s or 40s and can last from a year to .. several. It all wraps up when the ovaries stop releasing any more eggs and are officially closed for business. This is when you start wasting your money on early pregnancy tests because you’re thinking, ‘it can’t be’. Save your money. Talk to your doctor.
Q: What is post-menopause?
A: This is the term commonly confused with menopause. Post menopause means you have gone on and on for more than a year now without a period. Your period is gone but your symptoms will likely decide to hang around for a while. It’s different for everyone. Some women have no symptoms. They are also likely the ones who sneezed and gave birth without an epidural or any real labour pain. These women are the exception to the rule and must be tuned out at all costs. No one like a sore winner.
Q: What peri/menopause symptoms can I look forward to?
A: There are many symptoms to choose from in perimenopause and menopause. Some of the most common include:
•hot flashes
•night sweats
•cold flashes
•vaginal dryness
•memory loss
•hair loss
•low or no libido
•urinary incontinence (street name: peeing your pants)
•painful intercourse (see: low libido!)
Q: How can I avoid menopause?
A: You’re funny. Next question, please
Q: Can I still get pregnant during perimenopause?
A: It adds another layer of challenges but short answer- yes, it can happen. If you’re trying to get prego during peri, speak to your doctor about fertility treatments, supplements, and options. If you’re not looking to add to the brood, you’ll want to consider some forms of birth control.
Q: What can I do to survive perimenopause
A: You can survive. We promise. There are several options to explore from hormone replacement therapy and medications to lifestyle changes. For example, alcohol and spicy food will make your hot flashes more intense. Back away from the spicy enchiladas. You can also listen to our amazing podcast where we interview experts who give great advice on these topics.
Q: She2.0 – you are amazing! Who can I talk to about my symptoms if my doctor can’t help?
A: Why thank you! There are several resources we share on our site but some great options and resources to investigate are:
The Menopause Foundation of Canada
The North American Menopause Society
Brant Arts – Menopause Practitioners
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada