What happens in your Vagus, stays in your Vagus (for the day, anyway)
Attaining Midlife Calm: Getting to Know Your Vagus Nerve
Do you ever feel like your body's gone rogue during perimenopause and menopause? I know from personal experience that I usually wake up with heart-stopping panic - for no apparent reason, and that can carry through and hit me at different times during the day. Those heart palpitations, anxiety spikes, and digest-what-now moments? I used to think my brain fog was making me forget what it is my body had me so worked up about. But I was wrong – and that’s a first for me!
Let me introduce you to a game-changing friend (or foe, depending on how you manage it) you didn't know you had: your vagus nerve. It is literally your body's chill pill!
What the hairy heck is a Vagus Nerve?
Picture the longest, most hardworking nerve in your body, running from your brain stem all the way down to your gut. This highway with a ton of nerve is called your vagus nerve – the superhero of your "rest and digest" system. It's like your body's built-in meditation guru, helping you stay cool when hormones are heating you up.
Vagus, Shmagus? Don’t be so quick to ignore it.
During perimenopause and menopause, our hormones aren't just causing a little (or a lot) of chaos– they're throwing many of us into a tailspin! And this hormonal activity can throw our nervous system into a tizzy, making us feel:
- More anxious than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (thanks for the reference, Gramma)
- Feels like our heart jackhammering away when all we want to do is fall & stay asleep
- Super sensitive to stress (laugh, cry, cry, laugh/cry, ugly cry, repeat)
- Bloated and "meh" about digestion
- Hot-flashy and moody
Does any of this sound familiar? Your vagus nerve can help with ALL of this!
Your Body's Telling You Something – Listen Up!
How do you know if your vagus nerve needs some TLC? Watch for these signs:
- Feeling overwhelmed by things that usually wouldn't phase you
- Digestive issues that seem to pop up with stress
- Racing heart or palpitations
- Trouble catching your deep breath
- Feeling stuck in "fight or flight" mode
Time to Show Your Vagus Nerve Some Love
Now for the solution! Here's how to tone that vagal nerve and get your calm back:
1. Breathe Like You Mean It
Take deep, slow belly breaths. Make your exhale longer than your inhale – like you're blowing out birthday candles in slow motion. Try this for just 2 minutes when you're feeling frazzled.
2. Sing like (and pray that) no one is listening
Whether you're a shower singer or tone-deaf, humming and singing are like a massage for your vagus nerve. Belt out your favorite tunes in the car or hum while you do the dishes. I like to do this when my kiddo’s friends are around. She acts mortified but I know that deep down, she loves it.
3. Cold Splash
Give your face a quick splash of cold water in the morning. It's basically like pressing your body's reset button. Bonus points for ending your shower with a cool rinse. This really shouldn’t be too hard for those of us who run thermo-nuclear most of the time.
4. Shake that body
Gentle movement is your friend. Think yoga, walking, or dance (or your version of dancing, anyway). You don’t need to run a marathon to be effective here.
5. Laugh More
Watch a funny video. Call your witty friend. Join a laughter yoga class. Laughter isn't just medicine – it's vagus nerve candy! And yes, apparently there are laughter yoga classes.
Making It Part of Your Daily Routine
The best part? You can vagal tone anywhere, anytime. Stuck in traffic? Deep breathe. Making dinner? Hum away. Having a moment at work? Quick bathroom break for some cooling breaths. Marriage, motherhood and/or menopause – all reasons to have a plan for your vagus nerve!
Remember, this isn't about adding more to your already full plate. It's about finding little moments throughout your day to activate your natural and built in ‘calm’. Your vagus nerve is always there, ready to help – you just need to give it a little attention.
What have we learned?
Midlife is a time of massive change, but you've got more power than you think. Your vagus nerve is like your internal secret weapon when someone’s trying to push your buttons or life’s surprises just comes at you from left field. It’s ready to help you navigate the choppy waters of hormonal changes with more grace and fewer meltdowns.
Start small, but be consistent, and most importantly – be patient with yourself. You're not just surviving midlife; you're learning to thrive in it, one vagal tone at a time!
Some videos I’ve been watching. The are only 10-minute exercises but they are powerful when it comes to calming down and bringing peace in your daily routine.
Vagus Nerve Exercises to Rewire Your Brain from Anxiety
Vagus Nerve Activation | 10 Minute Daily Routines
*Remember: While these tips can help manage stress and promote calm, always chat with your healthcare provider about any serious concerns. You know your body best!