SOMÉ Continuous Cooling Performance Sheets
SOMÉ Continuous Cooling Performance Sheets
Stop me if you’ve heard this before. You’re all comfy and cozy and on your way to sleep when suddenly, your body becomes thermonuclear and you’re kicking the sheets off and desperately searching for a way to cool down. Yeah, you need these cooling sheets!
As your body starts to warm up, the heat energy emitted is pulled away from the body into the fibres in the fabric and stored before the body begins to sweat. If the body starts to cool down, heat energy is released back into the body. This action is dynamically regulating temperature through the night for optimal body temperature.
The vaporizing energy action ensures continuous cooling activated by heat and sweat. Each body will be kept at the optimal body temperature for bed sharers.
Unscientifically speaking—that means a cool and peaceful sleep!